Ailia coila (Hamilton, 1822)

English Name: Gangetic ailia
Bengali Name: Kajuli (কাজুলি) and Baspata (বাঁশপাতা).
IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened
Amblyceps mangois (Hamilton, 1822)

English Name: Indian torrent catfish
Bengali Name: Kanoch (কানোচ)
IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Data deficient
Amblypharyngodon mola (Hamilton, 1822)

English Name: Mola carple, Pale carplet
Bengali Name: Mola (মলা), Moa (মোয়া), Moshi (মসি)
IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened
Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792)

English Name: Climbing perch
Bengali Name: Koi (কই)
IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened
Anguilla bengalensis (Gray, 1831)

English Name: Indian mottled eel
Bengali Name: Banehara, Banehara (বানেহারা), Bamosh (বামোশ), Bao baim (বাও বায়েম), Bao mach (বোয়া মাছ), Boa baim (বোয়া বায়েম) and Telkoma (তেলকোমা)
IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Vulnerable
Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton, 1822)

English Name: Top-minnows, Blue panchax
Bengali Name: Kanpona, Choukkani
IUCN (Bangladesh) Status:
Aspidoparia morar (Hamilton, 1822)

English Name: Aspidoparia
Bengali Name: Pioly (পিওলী), Morar (মোরার), Morari (মোরারী)
IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened
To watch others photofeature on Freshwater Fishes of Sunamganj Haor Area, please follow the links-
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- IUCN (Bangladesh), 2000. Red book of threatened fishes of Bangladesh, IUCN (Bangladesh) – The world conservation union in Bangladesh. xii+116 pp.
- Mahalder B and Mustafa MG, 2011. Introduction to Fish Species Diversity-Sunamganj haor region within CBRMP’s working area. Community Based Resource Management Project-LGED, The WorldFish Center-Bangladesh. xvii+75 pp.
- Rahman AKA, 2005. Freshwater fishes of Bangladesh. Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. xviii+394 pp.
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