Tenualosa ilisha, one of the Least Concern (LC) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh
Tenualosa ilisha, one of the Least Concern (LC) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh

A Least Concern (LC) species is one which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as likely lowest risk, widespread, abundant taxon and does not qualify for a more at-risk category.

According to IUCN Bangladesh (2015a, b) two hundred fifty three Freshwater Fishes were assessed by IUCN Bangladesh. Threatened Categories are concerned nearly one fourth (64 species) of the species are under threat, among them 9 (3%) Critically Endangered, 30 (12%) Endangered, and 25 (10%) Vulnerable. This has been followed by 27 (11%) species as Near Threatened. Outside the purview of the Threatened and Near Threatened Categories, there are 122 (48%) species that were assessed as Least Concern and rest of the 40 (16%) as Data Deficient.

Table: Conservation status of Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh (IUCN Bangladesh (2015a, b))

Categories Number Percentage (%)
Threatened  64 25
Critically Endangered (CR) 09 3
Endangered (EN) 30 12
Vulnerable (VU) 25 10
Near Threatened (NT)  27 11
Least Concern (LC)  122 48
Data Deficient (DD)  40 16
Total  253 100


List of Vulnerable (VU) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh (IUCN Bangladesh (2015a, b))


1 Acanthocobitis botia
2 Acanthocobitis zonalternans
3 Ailia coila
4 Ailia punctata
5 Amblyceps mangois
6 Amblypharyngodon microlepis
7 Amblypharyngodon mola
8 Anabas testudineus
9 Anodontostoma chacunda
10 Aplocheilus panchax
11 Apocryptes bato
12 Aspidoparia jaya
13 Awaous guamensis
14 Barilius shacra
15 Boleophthalmus boddarti
16 Brachygobius nunus
17 Butis butis
18 Butis melanostigma
19 Catla catla
20 Chanda nama
21 Channa gachua
22 Channa orientalis
23 Channa punctatus
24 Channa striatus
25 Chela laubuca
26 Clarias batrachus
27 Coilia dussumieri
28 Coilia ramcarati
29 Corica soborna
30 Ctenops nobilis
31 Cynoglossus arel
32 Cynoglossus cynoglossus
33 Cynoglossus lingua
34 Dermogenys pusillus
35 Devario devario
36 Eleotris fusca
37 Erethistes pussilus
38 Esomus danricus
39 Eutropiichthys murius
40 Eutropiichthys vacha
41 Gagata cenia
42 Gagata gagata
43 Glossogobius giuris
44 Gobiopterus chuno
45 Gogangra viridescens
46 Gonialosa manmina
47 Hara hara
48 Hara jerdoni
49 Heteropneustes fossilis
50 Hilsa kelee
51 Hyporhamphus limbatus
52 Ilisha filigera
53 Ilisha megaloptera
54 Johnius coitor
55 Labeo angra
56 Labeo bata
57 Labeo calbasu
58 Labeo rohita
59 Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei
60 Lepidocephalichthys guntea
61 Liza parsia
62 Liza subviridis
63 Macrognathus pancalus
64 Mugil cephalus
65 Mystus bleekeri
66 Mystus tengara
67 Mystus vittatus
68 Nangra nangra
69 Nematalosa nasus
70 Neotropius atherinoides
71 Odontamblyopus rubicundus
72 Oryzias melastigma
73 Osteogeneiosus militaris
74 Otolithoides pama
75 Oxyurichthys microlepis
76 Pangio pangia
77 Parambasis ranga
78 Paramugil parmatus
79 Paraplagusia bilineata
80 Parapocryptes batoides
81 Pellona ditchela
82 Periophthalmodon schlosseri
83 Periophthalmus barbarous
84 Periophthalmus koelreuteri
85 Pethia conchonius
86 Pethia guganio
87 Pethia phutunio
88 Pisodonophis boro
89 Pisodonophis cancrivorus
90 Platycephalus indicus
91 Polynemous paradiseus
92 Pseudambassis lala
93 Pseudapocryptes elongatus
94 Pseudosphromenus cupanus
95 Psilorhynchus balitora
96 Puntius chola
97 Puntius sophore
98 Puntius terio
99 Rama chandramara
100 Rasbora daniconius
101 Rhinomugil corsula
102 Salmophasia bacaila
103 Salmostoma acinaces
104 Scartelaos histophorus
105 Setipinna phasa
106 Setipinna taty
107 Sillaginopsis panijus
108 Silonia silondia
109 Stigmatogobius sadanundio
110 Taenioides buchanani
111 Taenioides cirratus
112 Tenualosa ilisha
113 Tenualosa toli
114 Tetraodon cutcutia
115 Thryssa purava
116 Trichogaster chuna
117 Trichogaster fasciata
118 Trichogaster labiosus
119 Trichogaster lalius
120 Trichopsis vittata
121 Trypauchen vagina
122 Xenentodon cancila



NB: Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine categories, set through criteria such as rate of decline, population size, area of geographic distribution, and degree of population and distribution fragmentation. The term “Threatened” is a grouping of three categories such as Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable.

Categories Criteria
Extinct (EX) No known individuals remaining
Extinct in the wild (EW) Known only to survive in captivity, or as a naturalized population outside its historic range
Critically endangered (CR) Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
Endangered (EN) High risk of extinction in the wild
Vulnerable (VU) High risk of endangerment in the wild
Near threatened (NT) Likely to become endangered in the near future
Least concern (LC) Lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at-risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category
Data deficient (DD) Not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction
Not evaluated (NE) Has not yet been evaluated against the criteria




  • Froese R and Pauly D (Editors) (2016) FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org, (10/2016 )
  • IUCN Bangladesh (2015a) Red List of Bangladesh: A Brief on Assessment Result 2015. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 24.
  • IUCN Bangladesh (2015b) Red List of Bangladesh Volume 5: Freshwater Fishes. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp xvi+360
  • Rahman AKA (1989) Freshwater fishes of Bangladesh. Zoological Society of Bangladesh, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 364 pp.
  • Rahman AKA (2005) Freshwater fishes of Bangladesh, second edition. Zoological Society of Bangladesh, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 394 pp.
  • Talwar PK and Jhingran AG (1991) Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. vol 1 and 2. Oxford IBH Publishing Co Pvt Ltd, New Delhi-Calcutta. pp. 1-542 and 543-1158.


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Least Concern (LC) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh

Visitors' Opinions

ABM Mohsin

Professor, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. More...

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